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Optimizely Data Platform

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react-sdk does not have a method to flush queue without closing tabs

the only way to flush the event batching queue is to close the instance. This is way too rudimentary and inflexible for power users. Please let us in on low level api on when and how to flush the queue. also consider to adjusting use `pagehide` in...
Guest about 1 year ago in Integrations 2

please add "retry" functionality to handle cancelled dispatchEvent requests to better handle link-click tracking

So there is this problem where one set the event to fired as an onClick handler on a regular link, there will be a problem in at least most popular Chrome browser, which will cancel requests send from the page you just navigated away from with a r...
Guest about 1 year ago in Integrations 2

typescript type of datafile from '@optimizely/optimizely-sdk' is not specific enough ("string | object")

Here is the snippet we use: import type { Config } from ' @optimizely/optimizely-sdk '; type OptimizelyDatafile = Config[' datafile ']; When you import the type, you can see its string | object which is clearly not good enough for the object type,...
Guest about 1 year ago in Integrations 0

Ability to export all fields

When exporting customers, we'd love the option to export all fields, including identifiers. Right now, fields like "Image URL" and identifiers are not exposed in the export
Guest about 1 year ago in Data Platform App 0

Please work properly with Grammarly

I use Grammarly on everything, and it works amazing on almost everything I do. For some reason, it does not work on Optimizely/Welcome. Instead of a simple change in spelling or grammar error, it duplicates the content in any comment box. It actua...
Guest about 1 year ago in Integrations 0

Add a Toggle at the top level on Master Overview Page to Filter Horizon Metrics

We would like the ability to see the Master Overview Horizon metrics by country/website, as our ODP instance rolls up multiple websites.
Kristin Campiotti Campiotti about 1 year ago in Data Platform App 0

Connect to more than one Google Ad account at a time

Advertisers have a variety of different sub-ad accounts in their master Google account, so instead of choosing only one Ad account to connect with in the Integrations setting, it would be great to enter then ad account ID by segment.
Kristin Campiotti Campiotti about 1 year ago in Data Platform App 0

Edit and delete custom fields

Allow admins to edit or delete custom fields.
Laura Greer about 1 year ago in Data Platform App 1

Ability to restore deleted segments, campaigns and reports

Provide the ability to restore deleted segments, campaigns and reports.
Laura Greer about 1 year ago in Data Platform App 0

Log user activity

Provide a log of user activity to track changes by user in all areas of the product.
Laura Greer about 1 year ago in Data Platform App 0